Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Day 346


Day 346 of the 365 Day Gratitude Challenge.

Wednesday, June 14th, 2017

I'm grateful I'm starting to get used to getting to work earlier than usual. Since the new time change, I get there with a minute to spare. Other times, exactly on time. And then there are times where I was clocking in a minute or two late! I just had to change my ways, and so far *knocks on wood* It's been working. I feel better arriving early.

I haven't been late since I was a kid in my early 20's! I like what's become of older me. I am grateful.

I'm grateful for 19 days left. It's been quite the challenge to come up with something to be grateful for every day, but I am grateful for the challenge. Perhaps I'll pick it back up in January. I just need to see if I can go back to my old writing habits for the next six months. I guess only time will tell. Hopefully when I do go back, it will be a different kind of back. I hope it will be for the better.

Something Billy Joel had sung in a song, "Then the king and the queen went back to the green, but you can never go back there again."

Ah, time for bed! :)


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