Three! Weeks! In!
Welcome to the third week of our Mental Health Month prompts. We just finished up a week of posting it for each other. This week? We’re posting it for reflection. We want to give you the opportunity to look back on your personal experiences with mental health: the struggles you have overcome, or something you’re dealing with right now. We’re all a work in progress, and that’s okay. You can follow through however you please, including using some of our prompts below. Just don’t forget to tag it with #postitforward so other people can easily find it:
- Make a post sharing your personal experiences with mental health. It can be a GIF, a text post, a video—whatever feels right to you.
- Share a list of things you know now that you wish you knew then.
- Here’s a thank you card. Reblog to thank yourself for being so strong, or reblog and tag someone who might have helped you through something.
- Post a quote that helps you get through tough times.
- Create a chat post conversation between you and your younger self.
- Make a video talking about something you overcame.
- Share a song that’s important to you, and tell your followers why.
We can’t wait to see these posts start rolling through our dashboards.
A small text addendum: We have some special Answer Times coming up that are centered around Mental Health Month. On the docket this week:
- 5/15—Cynthia Germanotta, Lady Gaga’s mother and co-founder of Born This Way Foundation.
- 5/16—Shannon Beveridge (@now-this-is-living), 25-year-old YouTube star. She’ll be partnering with It Gets Better (@itgetsbetterproject).
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