- Week 1—Post it for you: How you practice self-care and personal well-being.
- Week 2—Post it for each other: Ways you can be there for each other.
- Week 3—Post it for reflection: Sharing stories of personal growth and development.
- Week 4—Post it for the future: Committing to continuous reflection and improvement.
This week is all about posting for you. Acts of self-care. Here are some places to start:
- Post an emoji spell for self-care and positivity. 🌈 🔮 💕 🌱
A spell? Hmmm. Let me think...
- Share a photo or GIF of something that calms you down.

- What’s the one thing that always cheers you up? Post a photo of it, take a GIF, or illustrate it. Toss a sticker on it, if you’d like.
I have several things that cheer me up...
- Never forget that you are valid! Post a selfie with “valid” sticker.
- Make a list of things you like about yourself.
I like that I love my dogs
I like that I try to be well kept. I put on makeup and I try my best to style my hair.
I like that I try to be well kept. I put on makeup and I try my best to style my hair.
- Make a checklist of 5 acts of self-care you promise to do for yourself this week.
I promise to exercise more
I promise to get up on time
I promise to eat better
I promise to make sure I take my vitamins more
I promise to make more time to write
I promise to get up on time
I promise to eat better
I promise to make sure I take my vitamins more
I promise to make more time to write
- Make an audio post with a song that helps you zone out and re-energize.
This often changes...Here's one of them though:
Don’t forget to tag all your posts with #postitforward this month! It makes it easier for everyone to find each other’s contributions.
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