I want to write the last bit of my story. I think I actually had an epiphany. It all started when I got my hours cut. I worked every single day in the month of October...with the exception of three days.
Don't jump to conclusions when I write a random thought in here. I've had to change my story telling from my perspective, to the perspective of a made up character named Mandy in order to show that I just write what the prompts give me.
Last week's topic felt a bit random...And recently I had given up on something. It doesn't mean anything more than that. It didn't mean that I got annoyed at the notifications not being for me. It didn't. I'm a big girl, I know what to expect.
I'm not expecting a sunset on my life any time soon these days. And while life is short, you still have a long life to live. It's all about your perception.
When I had horrible friends, I wanted a short-lived life. Once I got rid of them and all their negative juju...however you call it...I started looking forward to getting older. There is a saying I see lurking around the internet that says something like getting old is a privilege denied by many. I believe that's true.
I can't remember what's what anymore these days, which is an odd thing considering I never forget anything. I changed accounts so much it's probably made heads spin. Or it's still spinning as we speak!!!
Like driving around in a car, and having a donkey run the engine? IDK. I'm looking at this picture and thinking...what the???
I was going to make a list of quotes and put them in artwork....I got lazy, but here's one:
Just so you know I wasn't kidding about the artwork:
I don't know why I titled this blog "Last." I just did. I was getting somewhere but...well...I forgot!