Saturday, November 2, 2019


Blogophilia 34.12 topic: The Change of Seasons
Hard Bonus: (2 points): Include a quote from the movie Ghostbusters (1984)
Easy Bonus:: (1 point): Incorporate Witches Brew

Picture phrase guesses: Candle stick; Wick; John Wick. Campfire Tales. Light my way. Jumping Jack Flash. The Flash. Fire Stick.

Sources from Rotten Tomatoes for quotes on Ghostbusters (1984)

Peter Venkman - I love this plan!

Winston Zeddmore: If there's a steady paycheck in it, I'll believe anything you say.

Witches' brew
1. A potent magical concoction supposedly prepared by witches.
2. A harmful or threatening mixture, diabolical concoction.

I'll have to work my blog from here....This was supposed to be for Halloween. Oh well! I've been busy with other things...

Are you the man?
A flash in the pan?
I love this plan!

The witches brew
Is in the stew
looking askew

Lighter flick
Candle stick
Like a magic trick

It's too hot for campfire tales
You can travel down bike trails
Don't fall over the rails*

Jumping Jack
Wolf pack
Out of whack

It is time
To end this rhyme
Collect a dime


*There is a place here in Venice called Legacy Trail. I think it goes to Sarasota. They've extended it (or are planning to extend it) all the way to North Port. It's a bike trail. It used to be a rai

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

My Fate

My fate
Sealed with a kiss
A kiss of death
Dammit, I'm mad!
I didn't want to kiss you
This isn't some
Romantic getaway
Secret hideaway
A moonlit stay
This is my life
My fate
Sealed with a kiss
A kiss of death

©Diana Jillian 10.8.19, Tuesday

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Tuesdays Are Not Too Bad *fingers crossed*

Tuesday, 9.10.19

I can't believe I wrote in here. Oh well! Not like anyone reads this...

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Perpetual Summer

A Tanka:
A funny feeling
A summer to remember
Sounds of cicadas
Reminiscing of the past
So sure it would stay always

©Diana Jillian, Sunday, 9.8.19

A Poem:
Summertime mists and dreams of hollows
You fill your memories burden and sorrows
Sometimes you find yourself in frozen state
Once upon a time remembering your own fate

The Universe holds mysteries of the unknown
A tale so unforeseen it makes the mind blown
And you stare into the abyss of the wake
Back to the innocence of make believe and fake

Cicadas in the day, lightning bugs in the night
One's treasured sound, another treasured sight
Somehow it all fades as you become all grown
Falling to a new universe; one that's unknown

©Diana Jillian, Sunday, 9.8.19

Monday, August 5, 2019


Ecrits Blogophilia Week 22.12  Topic: “When the Movie Credits Roll”
Hard Bonus (2 points): Use an onomatopoeia
Pow! Bam!
Easy Bonus (1 point): Use a book title by Carl Safina
Beyond Words

Dream in fantasy
Nothing else is meant to be
I want to be free
Beyond words and destiny
When the movie credits roll

I will soon be free
Like pow and bam! I'll be free
From reality
I never truly ever
Want the fantasy to end

©Diana Jillian, Monday, 8.5.19

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Rewind (21.12)

Ecrits Blogophilia week 21.12 Topic: Rewind
2 pts. Include a Peter Gabriel Lyric
"I get so lost sometimes"
1pt.  Incorporate the word "theory"

I need to rewind
'Cause I get so lost sometimes 
I have a theory
I was born in the wrong time
Born in the wrong universe


I keep writing Tanka poems. They're easy! Sometimes I write two stanzas. But one is all I can muster up. I messed up last week. I didn't get my writer's choice in! I really wanted to. I just got caught up in another world or so to speak.

I guess I'll put in my guesses:

Topic: Jessica
Picture: Tyler

Picture Phrase Guesses:
01. Reflection
02. Glass House
03. Looking Glass
04. Lost in Wonderland
05. Alice
06. Don't look back
07. Don't turn around
08. A glimmer of hope
09. Eyes of the Beholder
10. Eye see what you did there!

Monday, April 22, 2019


I always try to get my brain right before posting. But I know if I do, I’ll never post in a timely fashion.

I do want to write a story, but what’s the point when no one pays attention to the words I write?

So, it’s up to me to make changes! I have to put “making changes” on my top priority list!

I’ve put everyone else and everything else on my priority list. It didn’t matter if I was going through a battle of depression. It didn’t matter if my husband was sick. It didn’t matter if I had to take my son to the hospital. If you needed me, I was there!

I made the efforts to keep in touch with people. Write them. Send them emails. Text them, etc. I would have 100 priorities to do, and I would rearrange them all just to fit you in. Even when I was going to school and working and homeschooling my son, I still put you there on my priority list.

I put off writing my stories, or whatever it was I deemed important, for you...for anyone!

I went to my cousin’s graduation after my eye surgery. I picked a friend up from work because their ride broke down. I’ve taken them to work when I should have been on my way to the movies. I’ve watched kids for friends and for my husband’s niece and nephew when I didn’t want to watch anymore kids because it was so painful to watch kids that weren’t my own, and now I have to face facts I’ll never have any more kids. I have to mourn that. And while in mourning, or working on my own projects during down time and my days off, I will drop everything if you need me!

That’s the kind of person I am!

I never expected anything in return, but then it dawned on me that when I needed someone--either a shoulder to cry on, or something--no one bothered to add me to their priority list. I get told they have their own emotional trauma going on, and they have to be in a good place before they can even speak to me!

Um, asphinctersayswhat? I openly admit my bi-polar/depression disorder. I want people to know what’s going on in my head so they won’t feel they’re alone in this world like so many have made me feel my whole life!

I openly discuss my anxiety disorder. I openly discuss my eye surgery and my psoriasis, and my deal with weight gain, etc...

I still manage to put all that aside for others. It doesn’t matter if I feel crippled mentally. It doesn’t matter if you’re the most negative person on the face of the earth, and I just need to be around all things light and positive. It doesn’t matter if I just need to see funny memes or funny shows on TV. I would have dropped all that for you!

But now, I’m putting myself on the top of the priority list. And it’s about time I did!

I can’t keep being a doormat!

