Saturday, July 16, 2016

Day 15

Day 15
I had to mess around in paint and Pinterest because I got nothing for yesterday. It was an uneventful day except for the fact I finished watching a television series on Netflix called Between. Now I have to wait for season 3 to come out.
I put on music, and I got a workout. I walked/ran for 20 minutes, and got in 1 and a quarter miles. Not bad for 20 minutes.
Afterwards, I was so tired, I took a nap. In my defense, it had been over a week since I had done any kind of exercise. I don't know why I don't count dancing and streching as one of them, but I do.
I needed a day of rest, and just resting my brain. I overthink, and that's never a good thing.
So, I found this quote on Pinterest today, and I don't know who quoted this so I can give them the proper credit, but I messed around in Microsoft Word and then again in Paint to get this picture posted in here.
This is what I'm going to do. I'm going to try and train my brain more to find blessings in everything that happens.
Days off are blessings, because you get stuff done, but you can also chill a bit.
I'm definitely grateful for this challenge. It's definitely challenging. :)

Friday, July 15, 2016

Day 14

Day 14 of the 365 Day Gratuity Challenge.
Day 14
Friday was possibly my final Friday of working a 5:30-10:30 shift. I asked for simpler hours, and simpler hours is what I got. I guess I'm grateful for that.
I'm just not sure what this means if I'm in charge of the child care center in the gym.
Last night was a test for me. I realize I get annoyed amd aggravated too easily, which can cause a spike in my blood pressure. I create too much anxiety. I had the test when I woke up to the storm knocking out my internet and I had to rename the WiFi source again. I was on the phone for over an hour with these people.
I was realizing I was growing impatient with their ignorance, but I had to keep reminding myself to calm down so I won't wind up in an early grave.
I'm learning. Baby steps, but I'm learning. I'm learning to focus on my breathing more, and I'm learning how to let go more.
Dreams don't have an expiration date; they have no concept of time.
And I've never tried to fit in somewhere because I don't fit in anyway. I normally march to the beat of a different drum.
I'm grateful for being different.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Day 13

Day 13 of the 365 Day Gratitude Challenge. 714/16
Day 13
There really isn't much to tell. It was a pretty ho hum kind of a day. I worked the pool desk, which looks like I'll be there quite often now, and then it rained. It's really not that surprising for Florida this time of year.
After my pool shift, I had one more shift. I actually had time between shifts to get some food. I had something happen that I'd rather not disclose, but it was awful, and I wouldn't wish something like that on my worst enemy.
I was on the phone with my husband, who cheered me up. And then I got a message on my phone from the messenger.
It was a message from a great friend from the other side of the world. She sent me this picture, and it kind of made my day, or should I say night.
I am truly grateful for moments like these. I'm grateful for good friends. I'm grateful for my husband. That's all I got! :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Day 12

Day 12 of the 365 Day Gratitude Challenge, 7/13/16:
Day 12
Yesterday was a long day. I get a lot of the long days, and then I get two days off a week. Though the way I work, it should be three days off LOL. Maybe not. Counting it in my head, it's only 37 hours and such! In all fairness, I was looking for a job with 25-30 hours. I really should only be working part-time because I am definitely needed around the house.
It always seems that whenever I am busy, I never get the chance to clean. I have enough time to write, or exercise, or clean. Never all lthree. And then if I want to catch some sun...that's also another factor.
That's what Saturdays are for...If I don't spend it driving to see family and such. I either need an 8th day, or a TARDIS. Definitely a TARDIS!!!! LOL.
Since this has turned into a somewhat grumpy post, let me turn it into something positive.
I'm grateful for friends like Tiki, who remind me to be happy about things. I can forget because in the back of my head, I always feel like something could go wrong.
I am grateful when I come home and my little Lassie greets me. That is the best feeling in the world!
I am grateful for having great friends who like reading my posts, and don't ignore me until it's convenient for them.
Mostly, I am grateful to be doing this challenge...Which should be an every day thing to begin with! :)

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Day 11

Day 11 of the 365 Day Gratitude Challenge. My day on 7/12/16, Tuesday.
Day 11
The reason this is so late is some days, I go to bed super early depending on the work shift I have. Yesterday I had to be up at 3:30 in the morning in order to be in work by 5:15 so I can open the gym at 5:30. I had a meeting at 10:15, and had another shift besides the 5:30-10:30. I had to work 11-4 at the pool desk.
I came home, and fell asleep around 6:30 in the evening. I have a terrible habit of responding to my texts in my sleep. I don't even know how I manage to do that one. I'll have to let you know later on LOL.
I think I got a promotion and a raise. I don't believe it's much of a raise as I work at a non-profit organization. I usually have to buy things out of pocket money. That's usually fine by me if it makes the kids happy.
So they made me in charge of what used to be known as Child Watch. It's now called Kids Corner.
I wished I had a better title, but a title is a title. It's better than nothing. I'm still job hunting when I get the chance to.
I freak out over things that are out of my control. That has always been my problem. I have been reminded over and over again to let it go because all it's going to do is wind me up in an early grave.
My grandmother believes that her mother, who died at 70, died not because of lung cancer, but because she was aggravated. And you know how aggravation and sadness can cause you such health problems down the line.
A little something I remember from my parents being in the NA/AA meetings. Also, my being in Alateen and Alanon meetings.
They always said slogans like easy does it; one day at a time; let go and let God; live and let live; and some other slogans I can't recall right now.
We would start off meetings with the serenity prayer, and end it with Our Father.
These rooms were anonymous. It had nothing to do with religion, but more to focus on the spirituality and believe there's a Higher Power out there to rely on. This is pretty much what I grew up on.
In a lot of ways, I am kind of grateful I grew up on this, or who knows where I would be now?

Monday, July 11, 2016

Day 10

Day 10 of the 365 day Gratitude Challenge.


Today wasn't so bad. Though I realized I haven't been drinking enough water lately and that was the reason why I had lost 3 pounds. I'm not too happy about that, but that's alright. I don't want to lose water weight. That's not good for you. I want to lose fat.

I played a Disney Tsum Tsum game because they give out prizes. I've been playing for over a year now....don't judge. LOL. It's better than all the nightmares I'm hearing about Pokemon GO. So much for getting out in the world. hahaha

Earlier today, I was scrolling through my posts and was reading about limiting beliefs. I believe that to be true...I'm grateful for always learning and discovering new things about myself.

I keep a positive journal to help me when I need a positive shift change. I have to focus more on funny things, and I should be alright.

I got some exercise done which in my book, it's better than nothing.

It's always the little things you have to be grateful for! :)


Sunday, July 10, 2016

Days 3-9

Day 3 of the 365 day gratitude challenge. Today is Monday, July 4th, 2016.
Day 4
I woke up a bit less sick today so I am grateful for that!
I found myself in a melancholy mood earlier because I am a bit sad my dreams still have yet to come true and I am not sure it's ever going to happen for me. This is a curse for me as I can never make plans.
I'm beginning to wonder what the universe wants from me. I need to be alright with it, and I definitely need to be grateful for it. Everything does happen for a reason, right?
I am grateful for my little Lassie, and I am grateful I started this challenge. I need a kick in the butt every now and then because my brain likes to travel to very dark places.
Day 4 of the 365 day gratitude challenge.
Day 4
I am so behind. I'm not usually up this late anymore these days because I usually work first shift.
Today started off pretty rocky, but I think I turned it around in my favor. I'm grateful when I can turn my blah days into good ones.

Day 5 of the 365 day gratitude challenge:
Day 5
I started watching some show on Netflix called Between. I got five episodes into it and realized I needed bed as it was nearly 3 in the morning. I got up around 8-ish and did my usual daily chores. I had enough time to get my exercise in and I'm grateful for that.
I went to work feeling groggy. I don't know if it was the lack of caffeine or something, but I started feeling better a bit later.
I was feeling lousy when I turned on my phone and saw 11:11 on it. I haven't been seeing it pop up as often as I used to.
After the pool desk, I went to work at the membership desk. One of the moms came in and wanted my boss's info because she wanted to tell my boss what a great job I did the other day, doing dances with them and such.
I am grateful for surprising moments like these. :)
Day 6 of the 365 Day Gratuity Challenge....7/7/16
Day 6
OK, first off, I think anytime the date falls on a 7/7 is a lucky day. I just worked a long shift, and I had to be in work at 5:15 this morning of 7/8/, you'll be getting two posts from me today.
I didn't forget to post, I just ran out of time. The morning shifts are the best...until 8 AM. That's when all the big shots come in, and then you have time for nada.
Yesterday was a pretty good day considering I had to work 9 hours. The kids room wasn't completely messy, and the lifeguard that has been trying to tell me how to do my job, hadn't bothered me at all yesterday. I am grateful for that.
It's the little things that make me grateful! :)
Day 7 of the 365 Day Gratitude Challenge...
Day 7
Day 7, 7/8/16, means I survived a week of finding something grateful.
It's funny how when you're trying to be positive and grateful, there are obstacles in your way that practically want to destroy those happy moments for you.
I woke up 24 hours ago to go to work, and I was so tired I took a nap. And then I fell asleep again. LOL
Sleep is good. I'm grateful I can sleep.
That is all because I spent most of my day sleeping! LOL
Day 8 of the challenge....
Day 8
It was a very unproductive day yesterday (Saturday, the 9th of July). I get a day off, and I turn on the Pandora radio and start cleaning. But what I really do is sing off key with the songs with whatever object is in my hands to use as a mic, while I dance around my house. I am so grateful no one is watching me do these things hahahaha.
My grandma called (as she does every Saturday) and rather than get into arguments with her about how crappy the rest of the family treats me and my mom, son and brother (like we always do), I change the subject by telling her which old movie I just watched.
I'm grateful for my grandma, and I'm grateful for old movies.
Day 9 of the 365 day gratitude challenge.
Day 9
As most of you may know, I have inner demons I battle on a daily basis. I contemplate things I shouldn't. Things I'd rather not say for fear of sounding morbid.
A challenge like this is good for me. I need to find something every day to be grateful for...even if it is a little thing.
I am reminded to keep going. This isn't the end of my story. And that is what I intend to do.
On the plus side, it's been a week and a half on this wellness challenge, and I've lost almost 3 pounds. I'm grateful for that as well.
