Thursday, May 11, 2017


129, 130

Day 311 and 312 of the 365 Day Gratitude Challenge.

Wednesday and Thursday, May 10th and 11th of 2017.

I'm a day behind and I'm afraid if I don't post this now, I'll never post. And I'm so close to the end! I just have 53 days left!

It's been a near hectic week! I got a new pup! He's adorable, but a handful! I feel like a mom again! LOL

My job has been crazy this week! I'll tell you more via message if you're interested. I haven't forgot to reply back in comments and such. I've just been distracted while reading comments. When I go to write back, I get interrupted. Not that it should be any kind of excuse. But I have focus issues.

I'm grateful for friends who understand me. I'm grateful for my dogs. I'm grateful for my husband as well! :)


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