Friday, July 6, 2018


Friday, 7.6.18

I was half thinking I should join the blogging group again. Half thinking it!

I think the root of my non-writing is due to working, but mostly because I feel an obligation to write a blog once a week. I said I would write one weekly, I just never said where I would write it.

I need to take more Ritalin and just FOCUS!!!

I need to focus more.

I don't want to be mindlessly thumbing my way down Facebook's never ending page. I don't want to see what I've missed, or who tagged me in what, or even get notified that someone has posted. I just don't.

I opened the app back up again yesterday...Well, Wednesday. I was at work, and I was very bored. Wednesday was the 4th of July.

I don't even know anymore. I am posting a picture, because I was told that is how you get more attention! Not that I want any. Not anymore. I like that this is private and no one sees this but me.

And then I finally get time off. When I do get time off, I'm either cleaning or sleeping due to being sick or getting my monthly visitor.

It always seems like there's never any balance.

Then there's discouragement!

Every time I do clean, the house picks back up a shit storm, and it rains trash again. I can't win!

I'll have to stop making excuses and just do what needs to be matter what!


Monday, July 2, 2018


Sunday, 7.1.18

I don't get it! You would think since I've deactivated myself from the social media world (Oh, c'mon! We all know Blogger does NOT count as social media), I would have started writing.

I remember when I decided to start writing a novel 12 years ago. It took me a long time to get my thoughts together and such. All I ever had before then were just plain old story plots! I guess I'll have to start somewhere!!! Anywhere!

I was reading how to prepare for a short story. I've written lots of short stories. Now I want to write novels. I want to write at least nearly 300 pages! I'm not even sure how many words that is. TBH, books come in different sizes, and most are either audio or ebooks.

Where was I? I forgot. I was writing this and then my little dog wanted my attention. This happens a lot since I got him as a puppy! I was ready for new adventures now that I had come to terms accepting that I was never going to have another child in this lifetime.

Let me give you some whoever is going to read this..if they do! If you want a kid and your spouse does not, you need to leave! Your spouse/partner has already decided they don't want a kid...AND THEY MEAN IT! That means you are never going to change their mind. They might change yours, but you will never change theirs.

Don't stay in a relationship because you feel obligated or you feel their words are true. They're the true breadwinners and you'll never make it out on your own. Grow a strong mind. Create your own cheering section. And get the courage to walk away! Find someone to fall in love with that wants the same things you want.

Of course, be careful if they want the EXACT same things you want (other than kids, of course). They could be psychopaths or sociopaths. Let your conscience be your guide. If you don't make good decisions, make a list of pros and cons. I would say go to your friends, but they could either be in awe of you, or jealous of you. Their decisions should not count.

Now, back to my original babbling.


Yes! I must write. I just need to clear my DVR, and then I'll get to writing. Wait! I already said that...didn't I?

So puppies and young dogs are a handful and they keep you busy.

I will try writing a novel again. I just need to be more focused with my main characters and not have them doing 20 million things in one book. Though the Hobbit did the same thing. I'm sure the writer got berated for that as well. Still, he published.

The point I'm getting at is I've listened to everyone. I'm listening to everyone that has not written a story like I have. I once wrote a story in 100 words on a blog topic where you had to name a Shakespeare character. Of course I knew Persephone was the queen of the underworld. But it was 100 words. I had room for one name...I chose Ophelia. I got berated for it. She was the queen of the underwater world....get it? No?

That was about 2 years ago, and I'm still dwelling on it. 10 years ago I came up with an idea to create zombies that talk. Someone told me zombies don't talk. Fast forward two years later and we have Warm Bodies. Fast forward a few more, and you have iZombie and Z Nation.

My point is DON'T LISTEN TO OTHERS. Let them criticize, and then do it anyway!!! They were jealous they didn't think of it first, that's all!

I better go now. I have to go get bamboo seeds.


